Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Tucker Men

These are the Tucker men who worked on building the boats. Founder, Jess Tucker now deceased, is third from the right.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Hello Lynn,
    I am Mike Tucker (2nd from right on this photo). My brother, Gordon, forwarded this to me. Thanks for your interest, and I'll check through my archives to see if I am able to contribute anything else. If you need additional information on any of the boats shown just let me know.

    1. Did any of your brothers have a son named Dave or David?

  2. Hi Mike,

    It's good to hear from you. Thanks for your offer to help!

  3. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Your article is quite interesting and we started to search, as you did, for Tucker's that are for sale. Unfortunately, we've hit walls. Any suggestions for a website to help in our search?

    Thanks, Lynn.

    Mike and Claudia

  4. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I grew up in Fairfax,just east of Cincinnati, where the Tuckers lived. Jess was my father's age and a Village icon. Gordon was older than me but Bobo (Bobby?) was around my age (a little bit older) and we used to shoot hoops at Fairfax School. I used to see Gordon at the annual boat show. The Tuckers were always good ole plain folk and I liked them a lot. Thanks...
    Lynn S. Marshall of Germania Ave. (my brother Kerry still lives there in our old homestead)
